
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Confession of a Bad Sports Fan

Have you ever noticed how much your life can change over a years time? Last year I knew every pitcher and every player on the Texas Rangers. This year when I watch the game I often find myself saying 'Who's that?' and it isn't just because they have so many injured players. I have a confession. Sports are no longer the sole driving force in my life.

It's true. I have other things going on and sports has become so secondary that half the time I don't even make it to the end of the game before I fall asleep. Often I wake up in the middle of the night and check my phone to see of we won and lately, because we have been losing so much, I haven't even bothered.

It's not that I don't still love them. I do. Life however has a way of taking priority and the people in my life need me to be present in the moment and not watching TV or checking my phone and what I have learned in the last few months is that you can't replace the people in your life that need you and you can't take them for granted. So, if I have to pick between spending time with my nieces and doing crafts with them or watching a baseball game, the kids win. If I have to pick between my guy and getting some time in on a project for the future on the house or land and the Ballgame, he wins.

I have years to watch ball games and they watch them with me. They go with me to the Ballpark but the moments that can't be replaced are the special times we have riding a tractor, fishing, baking cookies, or painting t-shirts.

I still love you Rangers! Now quit sucking.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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