
Friday, October 17, 2014

Begging for a buck, why I walk!

Light the Night

I've told the story before.   My dad died of lymphoma when I was 5.   So I do my best to try and support cancer research because it is personal.   It isn't just personal because cancer robbed me of my father.  It has robbed me of my grandmother (Breast) grandfather (stomach) and I have an uncle fighting it (liver) and another grandfather who fought it(I have forgotten now what type, there have been so many). Aside from that I have lost two people who worked with me from breast cancer and one to a brain tumor.  Young, beautiful women.   In 2010 I ran a half marathon for Team in Training. This year I decided to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by participating in their Light the Night event on November 2.   I raise money for LLS because my father died from Lymphoma but whatever cancer we kick, all cancer will follow.  Cancer research, that is the key!

Now, I can fund myself and if my husband participates we can sponsor his entrance.  I am still asking for donations because frankly, I am sick of cancer.   I am tired of losing friends.  I am tired of seeing people I care about waste away.  I am sad to see kids grow up without Moms and Dads.  I am sad to see women who can't have kids because cancer robbed them of their chance like my friend on Twitter.  I am sad that we have all become so numb to cancer that we don't even think about it anymore. It doesn't even phase us.  We don't get angry. We aren't afraid.   My own family has become numb.   I have a sibling who feels that the war will never be won so me raising money for cancer research is a waste of my time and energy.   Maybe he is right, but sitting back and doing nothing sure isn't going to win the war.   I have to try.  Not for my father because his battle ended in 1975.   For the kids out there today struggling with childhood cancer because no child should be robbed of the chance to grow up.   For the 19 year old I saw on the news today who is suffering from an inoperable brain tumor and playing in her only college basketball game on November 2 because nobody should die young.   For the parents out there who are forced to bury children and the children forced to grow up without parents.  For the husbands and wives who lost their soul mates.   For everyone who lost a friend.  For all of us because we have probably all been touched somehow and if we haven't yet, we will be.

I am not asking you for a lot of money.  I am asking you to spare a buck.   Between Twitter, Facebook, and my blog, if everyone were to read this, and send in $1.00 we could raise over $1000!   So, can you spare a Buck to kick cancer in the A$$?

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