
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Kitchen transformation Part Two: Countertops!

Let's remember where this started first. I have two types of counters in my house: Black and White tile and Corian. Don't ask me why, I have no clue. Remember we just bought the house in September.

This was move in kitchen.

Because I had purchased the Bombay Black Giani Countertop paint to use in my old house, and never did, this is what I had to work with and because I wanted to add some Red to the counters, I chose to pick up some paint at Michaels. Red & Red glitter to try and make my granite look like this.

First you tape everything off and then put down the black primer coat.

I liked the kitchen so much better just with the black primer. It made me stop and think, maybe I skip the next part and just add the glaze...but I didn't.

Next you start sponging on the other colors of paint. I should have worn gloves. Story of my life.

Keep working until you get a finish you like.

Next you add the clear shiny gloss. Now be aware, there are drying times in between. 8 hours for the primer and at least 4 hours for the "granite". After all that, it is 14 days before you can put stuff back on the counters.

Here is a side by side of the before and after.

Remove the tape and you are done!

I actually put several coats of the glaze because I want it super shiny and because I want to make sure it's sealed well over the tile.

And here is a close up of the finished products. Overall, I am happy the way the kitchen looks and I can live with it now until we can completely remodel and change the layout and while I think the smooth counter looks better than the tile, I had to work with what I had.

Update:  the pictures don't do these counters justice.  My hubby, who is not one to throw compliments around, has told me at least 3 times what a good job I did on these coubters and that he can't believe how real/good they look.   That's huge, HUGE for him. :-) 

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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