
Thursday, February 5, 2015

DIY Day: The Crackled Coffee Table.

Oh my gosh this coffee table has been a beating! 

the many faces of this stupid table

It started out stained but what you can't see is all the stains and scratches.  So I sanded it and sprayed it an amazing dark metallic and started the process of a stencil pattern and then it went wheels off.  I debated sanding it and starting over but after messing with it for about 3 days I realized as much as I loved the way the table looked, it does not go with the rustic, hunters paradise room I am using it in. This is the family room and my hubby is the hunter and fisherman. Those are his trophies. I wanted soemthing that would look good with the theme of the room and that sectional which I paid a fortune for!

  As in this: 
I hate the carpet and that is a future project, give me time!

So while I love the metalic paint it is something I think I will use in my bedroom instead, romantic and classy!  

glue everyhere 
So I did what I always do when I am stuck... Searched Pinterest for ideas and I found out you can crackle paint with Elmer's Glue.   I ran to Wally World and bought a bunch of the white stuff and got to painting glue all over the table.   

Now you have to do it thick.  Then I took some home made chalk paint in a cream color and started painting.  One direction only on top of the not yet dried glue.  
Let the cracking begin 
It started crackling almost immediately! I mean I didn't finish the whole table before I could see it was working! 
I can't believe it is working 
It's still crackling and drying in this photo.  I decided to do this on a cold day and it took forever to dry! FOREVER!

That is blue and green showing through 

As much as I like loved the silver stencil thing I had going I have to admit this is going to match the room much better and as I sit here waiting for it to dry, I am excited that after all the trials and screw ups, I am drying time and spray polyacrylic away from having my table back!  Besides, I left the legs metalic because I loved them...and it's my room so I can mix crazy stuff like that. 

how old does it look?

And this is what it looked like after a coat of Polyacrylic. There will be several more before it ends up back in the room because my step daughter loves to use this table for everything and we tend to eat on it a lot!  Truth here, this table use to be my dining table but we needed a huge coffee table and my hubby had the bright idea to cut the legs down and use it for a coffee table.  (We have another table in the dining room that I am also going to be redoing but that will come later).
  I can't tell you how pleased I am with the outcome of this table finally!  It is rustic and just terribly different and unique and I love it.  Next week I will add a picture of it back in the room but I have been so anxious to get a DIY blog up that I can't wait any longer and because I probably will have to work most of the weekend, I don't know when I will have a chance to get another project started and I have many ready for y'all!

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