
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Whole 30 Week 1 plus cravings

I finished my first 7 days on the Whole 30 program Sunday.  Just a reminder, in this plan you eat meat, veggies, and fruit.  You give up highly processed foods and make whole food choices.  

These are a few of my meals/snacks from last week.   I honestly don't think anything has been harder than reasonable.  I have found alternatives for everything except how to get my morning coffee a little sweet.  I admitted yesterday that I occasionally add Stevia in because, well I can't figure out why Stevia, a natural sweetener that doesn't effect blood sugar, is really bad.  

Honestly except for an occasional chocolate craving which I satisfy with some form of fruit, I am good. 

Okay, truth here, I sleep like crap most of the time but this last week I have been dead to the world.   I haven't had any trouble sleeping and when my husband, a closet 2am insomniac wakes me up accidentally,  I have no problem getting back to sleep.   I wake up refreshed too.  I admit that mid-afternoon I am tired but overall, it goes away.  

I did manage to get a couple in last week.  I will be much happier when I get about 3 more a week but I consider this a tiny victory.  

Concentration and Clarity: 
I haven't noticed any great advancements on my concentration at work but I think my "brain fog" is better. Honestly, my mind jumps around like crazy all the time and I am still fighting my slight OCD issues but hey, this is a healthy eating plan not a miracle plan. 

I still get headaches a lot but they aren't horrible headaches so that's good.  I'm not sure that I totally give credit to the eating, although food does effect headaches.  The simple reason? I get cluster migraines and I haven't been in a cluster for a few months.  Thank you God! 

Food & more Food: 
Overall, this is a good experience so far.  I find healthy food requires just a little planning and when I dig in, I remember how wonderful good-for-you food actually tastes.  I do miss my occasional glass of wine on the weekends but it isn't anything I am struggling with, yet anyway.    
I have made a few smoothies to cure my cravings for ice cream but although I realize the Whole 30 prefers that you don't, I kept them completely within agreement with the plan using veggies, coconut milk or water,  and some fruit like banana or mango.   The one day that I made a breakfast smoothie, I used a little almond butter for protein.   

Ok that's week one in a nutshell.   If you asked me today if I would recommend this, I would whole heartedly say yes!  In fact, I am feeling so good that I think I am going to switch to a mostly Paleo lifestyle when this is over.  My family isn't suffering either.  We make adjustments for their carb needs and I am happy to share any healthy goodies with them.  In fact, having fruit in the house has been a great thing for them.  They turn to that when they need a quick snack and that makes me happy! 


  1. Glad that it's working for you! I love the paleo lifestyle, while still enjoying some occasional treats. I can always tell when I've had too many carbs/sugar because my tummy will be unhappy. Lol. One thing to try in your coffee would be coconut milk if you like coconut flavor, that is. Good luck for the rest of the month!

    1. I ran out of coconut milk this morning so cheated with non-dairy powdered creamer and OMG I got so sick. I ran to the store and got coconut milk!
