
Monday, February 2, 2015

Make a habit, Break a habit: February

The Pinnacle Project

I found this great link up on "My Passion Journey" this morning and I am in such love with the idea I quickly shelved my decision to spend my lunch hour working on tomorrow's blog in order to write this one!

So for February I get to make a habit and break a habit.  Here we go:

Habit to make:   
Working out at least 4 times a week.   Let me be honest, my workouts have been, hit or miss for a long time.   Mostly miss until the last couple weeks and even then I was doing good if I made 2 workouts a week.

Habit to break:
My mouth.   I have spent way too much time with my husband's hunting friends, I think and because of that, I have started talking like a man.   I need to stop.  I need to get people around me to stop but you can't control anyone but yourself so I hope to lead by example when it comes to the kids in my life and just watch my mouth.  Cussing is lazy.  I surely can come up with better things to say, right?

That wasn't too painful.   Let's see how I do!


  1. Welcome to Make a Habit, Break a Habit, I love this link up too, it really motivates me to focus on good habits! Working out is on my list this year too, so far I haven't been doing too badly as things were really dismal last year! Good luck with your habits and look forward to seeing how you've done!

  2. Good luck for making and breaking your habits. I too have working out on my list.

  3. Good luck! I, too, am trying to break my cussing habit once and for all.
    Thanks for linking up :)

  4. Hi! I tried to leave a comment a few days ago but it seems like it never posted!
    Anyway though-- welcome to the link-up! I am so glad you joined us! Good luck with your working out habit! That one has been on my list before but it has a hard time "sticking" I'll be looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!
