
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday Favorite Things blog hop

I am trying a new blog hop today and linking up with Katherine's corner to share Thursday Favorite things.  So here are my 3 favorite things this week. Enjoy! 

Antiqued Red Hutch:
One of my favorite things is making something old new and beautiful. 

I have this old hutch that was in my mom's kitchen and at some point in my life, she gave it to me.   It's a great solid piece of country style furniture which is just my thing and I had refinished it a few years back so overall it looked pretty good but there was something really bugging me about it.  These doors.  They had a gold stenciled pattern on them that had seen better days and just made the thing look old so I decided to use red chalk paint and the same hickory stain I refinished it in a few years back, yes I still have it.  I LOVE how they turned out. Once they were done,  I selectively added just a touch of the red to the rest of the piece and finished in a protective poly acrylic coat. I now have a piece I love. 

I plan on refinishing the table in a similar way if it ever warms up and the two pieces should look great together. 

Also, while I am not a big fan of wax protective coatings, this piece actually would have looked great waxed.  I just prefer to do my own pieces in something more durable and I don't think I lose anything however, now that it had a poly finish I could always go back and add the wax to give it more depth, if I wanted.  

I admit I am obsessed with furniture refinishing right now.  I love having the ability to make things beautiful and I love being able to spin out of control creatively with them. 

Curtains as a room divider. 

This is my master bath and I finally got around to hanging the drapes someone gave me years ago for my old house.  Sorry I didn't take a full shot but I didn't think you would want to see the toilet.   

I love the way these look from both sides of the bedroom and the best part is they were free.  

This old house is coming along slowly but it's coming. 

Maple Bacon Cookies: 

Being iced in for 2 days I did what I always do and bake.  Something about bad weather makes me want to cook.  I made maple bacon cookies and OMG!  This may become my new favorite!

So what do you think?  What are your favs of the week?  

Here is a link to all the great hosts of the blog hop party so you can check out their blogs too!


  1. Replies
    1. I sent it to you on Pinterest. Honestly, I found a Betty Crocker mix at walmart that is a Limited Edition and i wanted to try them but now I need a real recipe because they are so good.
