
Monday, March 30, 2015

Mobile Monday and Weekend Update:Fishing and Farming, March Madness and The Walking Dead


Friday night we planted tomato and pepper plants in our garden!  My husband was sweet enough to remember I don't like green peppers so he bought red and yellow pepper plants.  I am so excited.   I actually love the red and yellow.  I know most people think they taste the same.  They don't.   Green actually make my physically sick.   We also planted Jalapeno peppers because it is Texas y'all!

Sunday we planted 6 knockout rose bushes which I am so excited about.  I left all my old roses at the house I sold last August and I think the new owner has torn them all out.  This almost killed me because I had some very special varieties there.  Anyway, moving on, I found some knockouts and planted them but I still want to get a few other bushes that are not the knockout variety but have specific colors because there are a few I just love.   

Also, after planting 2 peach trees and 2 pear trees and getting ready to plant 2 pecans (we are debating where for those) we decided we had room for one more fruit tree in the front and since I feel like 2 of the above are more than enough, I decided to go plum.  Husband wants a fig too but I can't find one and we have 1.2 acres so I am pretty sure we can find a spot.  :)

Have I mentioned that in a few years I am going to need to learn to can?  Seriously, either that or I am going to have to give a lot of fruit parties!

The lake was beautiful!
Saturday morning we woke up around 3am (that was the dogs fault) and by 4:45 we were on our way to the lake.   I made a mess of breakfast tacos to eat all day because we planned to fish the day away.

Hubs is so cute when he is serious about something!
Now, to be fair, I am not much of a fisherwoman, in fact, I like crappie fishing not much at all.  Jigging isn't really my thing.  I like casting my line and waiting for my fish to find my bait not constantly, every 15 seconds moving my line and dropping it down into a hole.  My arms hurt after a day of jigging but hubby loves it and he is good to me so I try to be good back. :)

My Crappie is in there, prob the Big  little one!
We had a slow day but believe it or not, these 14 males (yep, all males) yielded a bunch of fish for our fish fry.   I caught one crappie and one big mouth bass.   Gotta admit, the bass was the  most fun thing ever. They fight like crazy but dang they are fun to catch.  We don't keep them though.

After we got home because a day on the lake wasn't enough work, hubs decided to work on the garden a little more and then we watched Notre Dame-Kentucky.   Now, if you are new, you don't know but my birth family and I are big time Notre Dame fans,   I mean, live, die, and bleed blue and gold.  In fact, Notre Dame plays Texas in the first game of the college football season in 2015 and even though I went to Texas and am a Longhorn, I always cheer, cheer for Old Notre Dame when they go head to head.   Only time I ever do that but it is in my blood.  Anyway, back to Saturday, I have never been more proud to be a Notre Dame fan.  They were not suppose to play with Kentucky and they nearly beat them.  They were amazing actually.   That aside, I went into the game thinking if Notre Dame didn't win, I would pull for Kentucky and the undefeated season.   2.3 seconds of listening to their total idiot of a head coach and his arrogant, obnoxious, and supreme lack of anything resembling sportsmanship later and I can't wait for someone to take him down.  

Meanwhile, Sunday night the Notre Dame women advanced to the final four.   Yay Lady Irish!!!

The Walking Dead:

I am going to try really hard not to spoil anything for anyone who didn't watch last night.  Let me just say this, My husband has a hard time staying up for the show on Sunday night and usually falls asleep next to me while I watch either in bed or on the couch.  Last night was no different except for two things, the season finale was 90 minutes and I woke him up at least twice screaming at the TV in fear/horror!  That episode was so intense and I am going to watch it again, maybe tonight because I need to understand everything and I may have to watch it a third time because that is how much there was there.   So much going on and I was just wishing there was 5 more minutes when the end finally happened.   Oh. My. Gawd!!!

Thankfully, in a couple of weeks I will have a few things to occupy my thoughts on Sunday night, Rangers baseball, Game of Thrones, and endless furniture projects to finish!  Otherwise, it would be a very long summer.  Oh. My. Gawd, The Walking DEAD!!!!   Oh and the new Walking Dead spin off.  I am so excited about that too! 

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