
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What I am Loving and Have a Pinteresting Wednesday 5

Welcome back Wednesday! I'm see you plan to bring the ice.  Time to bundle up and have another WIL&HAPW! 

What I'm loving: 

-Jodi challenged everyone to wear orange today for MS awareness week and because this cause has a special meaning for my step-daughter, I am 110% behind this! 
MS Awareness Week, Wear Orange today!

-I found this amazing chest of drawers at a cute little antique thrift shop and felling love! 
Does anyone know the difference between a dresser and chest of drawers?  Is there one? 
I mean look at that detail!  I have something very special planned for this baby!
Isn't that AMAZING?
I can't wait. 

-Spring break is coming and we are going to the lake for a few days!! I can't wait to just be away from it all.  I have hopes that maybe this will be the change we need right now! 

Rangers baseball starts today! I celebrated this week with my Rangers toast! 

I am loving my furniture re-dos.  They look so adorable.  Both are finished and up for sale.  Fingers crossed!  I seriously wish I could make a living at this.  I would be in heaven.  I am dreaming about sanding, painting, and distressing.  

My sweet friend Trish who sent me this scripture this morning.  Sometimes you just need a reminder of Who is in control.

Have a Pinteresting Day:

Painted embossed wallpaper. Wow what a little paint,wallpaper and imagination can do!!
Oh my GOSH I love this!  I am going to do my hutch over, again, and use the textured wallpaper, I think.   I love it!!!

Blue Moon mango margaritas. this may be the best drink ever
Mango-Blue Moon beerita?   Just say yes!!

How to use Pantone Color of the Year: Marsala in your home |
Marsala is THE color for 2015.  I am really thinking of using this in my home.  I have lately become obsessed with adding bits of red here and there and this is just the perfect color.  BTW, if you do not keep up with color trends for interior design (and why aren't you?) because you aren't crazy, obsessed like I am, I am going to help  you are a few of the big trends for 2015.

Top 10 Newest Color Trends for Interior Design in 2015 image in what is new designs category
Blue: Source
Blue is big this year, from navy, royal and even my favorite, turquoise.

From Design Options, a fabulous CA-based color forecasting company: a preview of upcoming trends in interiors for the Spring Summer 2015 season. Their outlook includes two distinct trends: Mid Cent...
And these amazing shades of green, gold, and look there is turquoise blue and a very marsala like wine color.

I keep meaning to post my enchilada receipe but I never remember to take pictures so I am posting the inspiration for mine.   I do use venison because we have a ton of it. (Thank you honey!)   However, if you are not a deer person, you could make this with ground beef, chicken or turkey.  I will post my version soon but I do not fry the shells. If fact, I gave up wrapping the meat and now I layer it like lasagna instead.   It is totally amazing but so much easier.  

Okay, that's what I am loving and pinning this week.   Now, time for the link up party.  I am not giving in on this people until someone starts linking up!  I realize there are tons of great Wed Blog Hops.  Maybe I should do a Tuesday hop instead but dog gone it, I just love this link up and I know you all do too because I get so much positive feedback.   So I am going to give it another few weeks and if that doesn't happen then I will throw in the towel and go back to my own little Wed without doing a WIL.  ;(

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