
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Favorite Things Thursday

Thursday Favorite Things Button
Katherine's Cornere Blog Hop

Duck Dynasty Hat. 
Monday I shared my weekend photos which included our "Lunch with Si " and I forgot to post the hat.   Here she is.  I love that it is signed by 5 of the Duck Dynasty cast including Jase and Si.

Chest of Drawer Makeover
New pulls!
A few weeks ago I shared the makeover on this chest of drawers (Link above).  I thought it was done but the drawer pulls bothered me and the size was a different from average size.  Well, I found an amazing set of pulls and redid the redo.   I love the feel of these babies and I think it makes the Chest feel a little more romantic.  Or maybe that is me.

Yes this is my house...don't worry we are going to get rid of that ugly 1970 peach brick one of these days.  Totally not on my favorite things list but the never ending parade of flowers in the front yard are definately amazing!

My Hubby's Norwegian Tacos
Husband calls these Norwegian Tacos.  My comment was, when did they get tacos in Norway?  Basically, his grandma created this cross between a taco, quesadilla, and grilled cheese sandwich.  They are pretty great.   He uses venison, because that is what we have in our freezer, a thin layer of refried beans and he used velveeta (the grilled cheese/Norwegian part because lord knows Norway is famous for American Cheese!).  You grill them kind of like a grilled cheese with a little butter (or Butter flavored Pam) in the pan for crispness. Then you top with your favorite fixings, salsa, guac, sour cream, green onions, and tomatoes. (I don't like head lettuce on my sandwiches or tacos but you feel free.)  The production line to make these babies is actually more complicated than the recipe and personally, I would make them with sharp cheddar but he loves velveeta.  Men, gotta love them!

I am simply loving this chicken that I get from the Mexican Market pre-marinated and so tender.  Also, how great our weather has been lately. We are so lucky to have a great spring with 70's and 80's because I know soon it will be pushing 100.  You have to love North Texas weather.   It always gets you back to 110.

Finally, one of my favorite things this week has been all the amazing feedback I have gotten over my Tuesday Blog about parenting.   It is nice to know that parents can laugh at the tongue in cheek funniness of the craziness of kids.  Probably because we would cry if we didn't. :)

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