
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sunday Dinner: Southern Style

Thursday Favorite Things ButtonHump Day Happenings

This turned out so great that I have to share with pretty much everyone so I linked up to a couple of super great hops. I love these hops and the wonderful ladies behind them.  If you haven't checked out the hops above, please join in.  There are a ton of great sponsors and so many crafty and talented people not to mention good cooks.  I don't usually do cooking blogs (It isn't that I can't cook, it's that when I cook I cook by taste, not a book and I never think to get photos before the food is devoured.  So I hope y'all enjoy this once in a blue moon blog.)

I have never made Turnip Greens or any kind of greens for that matter in my life.   We like turnips and when I was at the store I bought a bunch of seeds.  I thought they were all turnip seeds but some where turnip green seeds.  So we have a ton of turnip greens growing along with turnips and I thought after 30 years in Texas it was about time I tried making greens.  

And since I was making greens it seemed natural to have them with pork.  Pork ribs to be exact.  So I slow cooked the ribs in the oven for about 2 hours in beer (I like cooking and baking with alcohol) and onion flakes, seasoned with garlic and season salt.   Once they were practically falling off the bone it was time to move them to the grill...and add sauce.  They get done really fast so watch them, unless you are like us and like them a little BBQ black.  Actually it is just the fat that burned a little but believe me, everyone loved these! 

I make a semi-homemade sauce with a mix of Stubbs and Sweet Baby Ray's plus vinegar, onion flakes, garlic, and some fresh ground pepper.  Cook on low for about an hour then go crazy with your sauce and ribs.  Yum! 

Next up was garlic cheese mashed potatoes.  Obviously this is not a low calorie meal.  In fact, my husband comment if I cooked like this all the time he would be 300 lbs.  These are simple, boil your clean potatoes cubed until tender then add about a cup of milk, garlic, garlic salt, around 3/4 cup of cheddar cheese and a little pepper and with a stick of butter.   Mix until smooth.  We like ours skin on. These were super amazing.  

Can't have a southern meal without cornbread.   I used 2 packs of mix,  whichever brand you like best, a can of Mexican corn, about a half a cup of sour cream, a half a can of beer, and 2 eggs because my mix called for eggs.  You could probably leave them out if yours doesn't call for them. I baked this at 400 degrees until solid in the middle. 
And of course the turnip greens.  I picked a plastic grocery sack full of greens and cleaned and chopped. (My friend Sonja sent me her recipe which I tweaked just a bit for my family.)  Next I added 3-4 green onions,  about a Tbsp of sugar, a good shake (more if you like spicy, we do) of red pepper flakes, garlic powder, garlic salt, season salt, and six slices of crispy bacon crumbled into a pot of 1 can of chicken broth and equal parts water.  After getting a nice boil on and letting them boil for about 20 minutes I turned them down and cooked on low about 2 hours.  They were ready to go before that but my husband and friend were fishing so we waited until about 2 to eat.  OMG we love them.  They were spicy and so good.  

Nobody had room for the dump cake until later but it was a simple and perfect ending warm with a scoop of Blue Bunny frozen vanilla yogurt.  (I bought Blue Bunny because Blue Bell isn't in production right now and found out, I prefer Blue Bunny plus it is only 90 calories a serving. Because obviously after this meal we are all on a diet!) 

Everyone was quiet when eating except to tell me how good everything was.  Now, time for a nice nap. 

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