
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What I'm Loving Wednesday: It's all about the base

Is it wrong to start out my What I am loving post with my new blog sight?  I picked fabric that I love and that matches my kitchen.  (Wouldn't that make amazing seat cushions for table chairs in a country kitchen?)

Urban Decay Naked
I have tried many, many, many foundations and I honestly can't say enough about Urban Decay Naked.   It is light and so natural looking.   I love that it fixes my 'Faults' and still feels like I have no make-up on.   Best of all, Ulta told me when I was in Saturday they have a whole bunch of new stuff coming out excited.   BTW, these glasses are my emergency, I forgot glasses-glasses.
Trader Joe's Obsession
I love so many things from Trader Joe's but these nut butters are rocking my world right now in the midst of this Whole 30 challenge.   I am not perfect, BTW.  I cheat with Stevia in my coffee.  I admit it but to be honest, I can't find any reason not to use Stevia.  Aside from that, I have done pretty well. I don't have the sugar cravings and I am not missing my diet soda anymore.   I love eating veggies and fruit so much and I forgot that because chocolate and chips were always easier.  Anyway, add Trader Joe's organic salsa to the list of stuff I love from them and you have my new go to list of 'junk' foods.

This stuff is so awesome. I can't wait until I can actually use it.  

So pretty...for a gun!
I have been bugging my hubby for my own gun thinking if I use the same gun and get familiar with it I will be a better shot and ready to take down that wild hog. We had been talking about buying me a .247 when I asked him about a 30-06 and he realized 1.hey that's a great idea and 2. I have one I don't use!  Best part of this?  I get to pick out a Valentines Day gift now that isn't a gun and this beautiful gun is mine to use!  I already know what I want and have it picked out.   I am so excited.  Can you say BLING?

Because I can never stick to one topic on Wed!

These Pins.  If you don't follow me on Pinterest, click on the link and you can keep up with all the things I am pinning but I picked out a few favs. 


I like the idea of framing the TV with wood planks. I think I might just put some planks directly on the wall and center the TV on it instead of doing floor to ceiling.

Peel-And-Stick Wood Panels Provide An Instant Reclaimed Look | Co.Design | business + design
I am so doing one of these!

Repurposed Window Shutter Projects • Tutorials and ideas, including this shutter entryway organizer from Pinterest!
Doing this!

Products Hand Painted Furniture - page 2
I have two dressers that are going to get redone and one (at least) will be like this!
Texas Rangers T-shirt quilt

I totally want this baseball shirt
I have this discussion CONSTANTLY!



  1. I love your pins - especially the smart people baseball shirt! :)

    1. Thanks! It's nice to meet you too. Baseball...I blog a lot. I'm obsessed.

  2. Laura! I'm glad to see you're loving Trader Joe's too. They make these delicious Gorgonzola Crackers... and it sounds a little weird, but they really are delicious. You should check them out if you get the chance!

    1. Oh those sound great! I'm going to grab some in a couple weeks when I can eat flour again and give them a try! Thanks

  3. Such a great series to do. I love that drawer and the idea of making a mantel type thing. Such great ideas. :)

    1. Thank you! I am totally obsessed with making things. I think I am driving my husband crazy. I would love to see what you make.

  4. Oohh, your gun is so pretty!! We love going to the shooting range but without our own guns it's so expensive. Also, I am totally in the process of getting obsessed with nut butters. WHY was peanut butter the only one I knew about until a few years ago??
