
Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekend Update: Exciting news

I never hardly ever, blog on the weekend so it has to be something pretty amazing to get me to actually buckle down and write schedule a blog for a Saturday or Sunday.  God rested on the 7th day and I am fully and completely in agreement with the Lord, we all need a break.

So, the BIG News that got me to blog?

Okay, I find this exciting and a little frightening but here goes nothing! 

My 2015 word is consistent and to keep me honest and make me work at my blog, I have decided to host 2 weekly hops.  Mostly because I am crazy and because my husband has agreed to support me in my efforts to grow the blog (and in the future, our business) Yay him!  I love him!  (XO).  I found a keeper! 

So, the rules are simple and I am completely hoping,wishing for,  needing a co-hostess or two who want to undertake either of these hops so please, if you are interested, message me and let me know! 

The Wednesday and Thursday Hops info can be found on this page.  I will set them up with an Inlinkz. link up so everyone can join in the fun.   

Alright that is part 1 of my exciting news.  Part 2?  My husband said to me Friday morning "Why don't you ever blog about me?" (Isn't he cute?) so I am going to finally write the "Our Love Story" post.  I know this isn't exciting to anyone but me but it makes me completely happy.  Expect a Valentines special filled with the mayhem, high speed car chases, gun play,  drama, death and destruction that is our love story.   Okay, that may actually be stretching the truth.  Nobody actually died in the process of us become a we.  Not literally anyway! :)