
Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Thursday favorite things Blog Hop

Time to link up again for Thursday Favorite Things with Katherine's Corner (link below).   I love this blog hop and since it seems so similar to my previous Wed. blog topic I have decided to stick with this one instead.

Katherine's Corner
Here are my favorite things this week! 

My hubby helped me get this hung straight and while I know a Towel Rack isn't everyone's idea of exciting I am LOVING it!   My kitchen was truly missing this and now I can get the towels off the counters!  It was so much fun to make and I love the antique mismatched hardware I got at Trade Days to complete this piece, even if it is hidden by the towels!  Monday's post  gives you a little more of the DIY on this piece.
My DIY Project in action!
The flowers blooming (between the weeds) in my front yard!  I guess it is time to weed, after all it has been a week since snow! 

I picked this beef jerky up at the Trade Days an not only is it amazing but it is made just minutes from my home which makes me feel all that much healthier for eating it. 
Sugar FREE!!

We had GNO at my place Saturday morning/afternoon.  First we met up at Trade Days in Mckinney for some SHOPPING then we went back to my house and I grilled us a lunch of burgers and we chatted.  Trade Days is definately a must for me.  I loved it! 
me with Janice


Trish and Shanna Love them,  (How cute are my cabinets?)   
Some of the ladies had to come 40 minutes to get to me since I live on the other side of the world from them.  I LOVE me some Trish and Jan for making the trek!   Robin and I had a great time talking crafts and Shanna is just a hoot and a half.   I loved having friends over and showing off my half finished house.  I just love my friends.  It is so important to have good friends!

Paint/Painting:  I swear to you I am obsessed.  I dream about paint at least 3 nights a week.   The other day I had a nightmare that I found wood worms in a piece I brought home.   I am totally obsessed.  My next minor project is Milk Paint.  I really want to give this a try on my cabinets in the bath which are builder grade boring!   Is it possible to overdo paint in your home?  I am definately not afraid of color! 

My house: I am really trying to not get too involved in projects for the house that I can't finish in a weekend right now because we have to decide what to do with the carpet and if we can salvage the hardwood floors or we want to put something else down for now and wait to decide on the floors for a year or 10.  (I am leaning toward putting something else down because refinishing the floors is looking more and more like a project way above my head.) 

My Home Decor Page Turn Back Time:
Everyone has been so positive about the things I have up for sale and the things I have made.  I love all the support.  Everyone is so great!   I have given this business a year in my mind to really take off and I know I only have a couple of pieces available at this point so it isn't like I have a ton of product out there but I am overwhelmed by how everyone who has seen the stuff (even when it wasn't the right size---boo) has loved, loved, loved my stuff!  I know it is just a matter of time before I find the right homes for my stuff and in the meantime I continue to work on projects to clear out my garage and make my hubby happy.  :)

Okay, so what are your favorite things this week?


  1. Is that the board you got at trade days? Cute!! Did you use a stencil for the design? Now I need one of those too!

    1. Yes the drawer front and the hooks came from Trade Days and I used a stencile I got at Michael's. I have been wanting to do a blue and red finish since we took that class together a couple months ago. I love how it turned out!

  2. You are such a doll, to make your weekly favorite part of the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. I love your favorite things list too♥. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop. xo
