I have to start with this, thank you, thank you Friday!!!

So, it has been some time since I wrote a Fitness Friday. I have mentioned I started running again. I am shooting for 2 days a week right now. It is a challenge thanks to the crazy Texas heat but I managed this week. I don't love running yet but I will. As my legs get stronger and my body adjusts the running becomes more fun. I know this. It clears my mind and I get outside. All of this is bonus. I can really tell the difference with my legs already. Love it!!!
So the scale. I am not going to lie, the battery was dead and it takes a lithium battery which I don't keep at home so I had to remember to pick one up special and avoid Oreos while doing so. I did this finally yesterday. And.....drum roll......
I lost 2 pounds. That is a total of 77 pounds lost. No more plateau. No more gaining and losing the same 5 pounds for a month!!! Woohoo!
I am trying to be excited about this. I am trying to recognize the accomplishment I have already acheived. This goes against my nature because I tend to see only how far I have to go. A friend told me last night if I want to lose more that is what I should do but I have to recognize what an amazing thing it is that I have done and see the beautiful person I am inside and out right now. I am working on that.

Physical changes come slowly, emotional changes sometimes take even longer. I wore a pair of jeans today that I couldn't wear a week ago. I am happy with that. I went through my jeans and realized stuff that I bought 6 weeks ago is getting loose. I'm happy with that too. How long it will take me to feel normal and not huge, I don't know. I do know this, I have so much more to offer then just the physical and I also know that while I may not be thrilled with what I see, I am pretty. Yes, I said it. I am pretty. So there.

As I was taking this photo today someone stopped me to ask advice on losing weight. I always get a kick out of these conversations because there is only one answer diet & working your butt off at the gym. I do love how encourage everyone is. Especially when it starts with 'OMG you look so little!"
Happy Friday gang.
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