Friday night was interesting.

It was Rangers game night. Fireworks Friday. I missed the real fireworks and unfortunately caught enough of the "mom drama" kind to make the amazing performance of Roy Oswalt Friday night almost forgotten. Almost, but not quite. Mom's are awesome people and I love mine but she has that 'Catholic Mother' guilt thing down pat. Anyway, enough of mothers.

I know I Blogged this Saturday but lordy it is hot in Texas! I ran 3 miles Saturday morning and did a lot of stuff around the house. I may or may not have been avoiding life for a day. I'm not sure. After yet another inappropriate approach by a creep on the dating site I pulled my profile. I decided it is simply better to be alone. The disgusting lack of respect has a lot to do with it. I have never in my life felt so objectified, ever. I know some may think it is funny to be asked about your sexual preferrences, told by strangers that they want to touch you or kiss you. I know also that those same people who joke about it have never treated me with that much disrespect. It is one thing to say it to someone you know or care about. It is totally another for a man to say that to a woman he has never met.
I did a lot of soul searching this weekend and made a lot of decisions about what I want and I am in a place of complete happiness this morning with me. I realized I am pretty awesome. (The fact that my friends keep telling me this helped me realize it. Thanks my peeps!) I also realized that I am fixing the things that I don't like about myself. I am pushing myself to become better every day. I hope everyone feels that they are doing at least one thing every day to improve themselves. Happiness is a state of mind. I have decided to be happy. I wasn't far anyway. I have just been in a little funk the last few weeks. I'm done. Whatever happens, I am strong, positive, sweet (I really am), silly-goofy, pretty smart, and I am not too hard on the eyes so I think I have it all going for me. Yay me!!!

The Suite Life of Rachel and Laura happened Sunday. If you missed my thrilled tweets yesterday you missed the fact that my friend Rachel managed to get our Sunday tickets upgraded to a suite because of her work. Score!

This was the view.

There was plenty of this available. Thanks to a silly Twitter follower I took that picture to prove I was, in fact, not drinking Haterade! It is not my fault Michael Young wasn't up to my challenge. I wish he would have made me stop talking smack about him. :-)

The Rangers won both games this weekend. They seem to play really well when my friends and I are at the game. They win all of the games. I think we must be good luck charms. Fear not, we will be there Tuesday for Yu!!!
If your Monday is as crazy as mine, my thoughts are with you. Keep going. It has to get better.
posted from Bloggeroid
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