Oh Hump Day how much do I love you? Hard to tell, really.

I received one of these curling irons for my birthday and it is awesome. I have a hard time messing up my hair with this. I would post a picture but I'm looking a little hard today thanks to my allergies. My hair looks great, however!

I don't think there is anything truly political about domestic violence. It is wrong. Men should not hit women. Women should not hit men. Nobody should beat kids or animals. Period. I don't care what was said. I don't care what happened. I don't care if the one person isn't a good person. No hitting anything but baseballs, golf balls, a punching bag or the gym.

I love that my Rangers options for post season are securred and my ticket rep has confirmed receipt. I'm going back to the playoffs with my team and we are going to see a lot of this. In fact, we will see one more dog pile this year. An extra. The big one. The one that will make me cry like a little girl and kiss whoever is unlucky enough to be near me! I hope.

Can you feel it? It is almost college football season. We are counting down in days now. I love my Fighting Irish and my Longhorns and I am ready to yell and scream for the two teams I adore.
As always I love my friends. They keep me sane when work is bad, baseball sucks and dumb boys are dumb.
What are you loving?
1 comment:
I must take a look at that curling iron, it looks great! :)
I'm so excited about the post season, just hope we have one. The boys are starting to make me nervous!
Hook 'em Horns! I suppose I can cheer for Notre Dame too (unless they are playing a Texas team, then I stay true to my state!) :)
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