Okay I realize it isn't Super Tuesday but how can I not use this picture?
I'm standing in line to vote. There ya go, that's my political statement for 2012! Not pushing my politics on anyone. You all don't care and I am not going to change your minds on anything.
So what is super today? First the weather in the DFW is amazing already. I am going out tonight to test this night riding thing. Not sure where, probably Horseshoe because less crowded sounds good.
It's my brothers birthday next weekend and my present to him is not giving him crap about continuing to put all those hunting pictures on Facebook! Okay, not really. I will get him the same Bass Pro gift card I always do just like he gives me a MLB Pro-shop card. We have this down to a science!
It is amazing how positive mental attitude can change your life. I decided to stop beating up on myself a couple months ago and say nice things about myself. This has changed my life! Do this if you aren't already!
Ah, okay well looks like y'all get a short blog. Time to go not make a difference voting. Have a super day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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