So I decided yesterday that to celebrate my 1st Blog Birthday I wanted a change. I am tweeking exactly how I want the "New" blog to look and I will add customizations later but for now, this is where we are. The new Simply Me, the way I see it! I like that it is clean and simple and I love that it is Texas Ranger colored.
I started this yesterday just simply changing the way my handle appears. When I first started this blog, I thought I was going to write a blog from the point of view of my dachshunds. Ries and Sadie. That idea fell by the wayside before the first post. That's why the blog shows up as Doxiedoodle. That was going to be the original title. At some point I may do a second blog doing something like that because let's face it, my dogs have an amazingly spoiled life!

So without further delay here are my favorite posts from the last year.
My absolute favorite post is the First Time Mountain Biking. I almost died. Well kind of. This was what started the obsession believe it or not. It's true.

Probably my second favorite blog was this one Women, a users guide. This blog just totally was fun to write. Men-Women we are really just...well...yeah!
Definately next up in my favorite was from the Blog Challenge I did to start the blog. My dream house. I love this blog because I thought I was going to write one thing and I ended up writing another. This is still my dream house. I thought maybe by now someone special might be in my life but things never work out on my timeline, they work out on Gods and as I said in my It's Ok Thursday today, I am working on letting God handle the mess!

One of the hardest and most freeing blogs I wrote: Fitness Friday: Where I came from. This one I was afraid of because I had to face my past. All two tons of me. It was hard and it hurt but it was freeing. I need to re-read that one more so I keep myself on track. (I say this after my boss brought in Tiff Treats warm cookies for everyone. 3 hours at the gym tonight is doable, right?)
This post was fun and now looking back on it, it makes me a little sad. Write 5 Letters was sent to a variety of people that were important to me in my past or at that time. It is sad because number 5 was written to a person I really liked at that time and it simply said "Please be real". Turns out, I still to this day don't know if the person I originally met on-line was the real person or the one I met in person. They are very different people and I could have loved one of them. (Actually, that isn't fair. The one I knew when we were alone was more like the one on-line but there just wasn't enough of him and too much of what I suspect is the facade.) For better or worse, I like both of them but only one of them could I love. Anyway, I suppose it doesn't really matter anymore. Life has a way of throwing you curve balls and sometimes you strike out. I miss talking to him but I will be ok and if he happens to read this, just know...no regrets and thank you....for Mountain Biking, friend.

I am sure there are a handful of other blogs that I truly just loved writing for one reason or another. I think back on the woman I was when I started this blog. I had had surgery 5 days before and I was hopeful that I was on my way to a special 2012. Some things didn't turn out the way I thought. Some of the things I did, I would change in hindsight. Some things I found out about myself in the last year would have shocked and surprised myself. What this blog has given me is the courage to be myself. The ability to laugh at myself. The realization that no matter who doesn't like me, I am a good person and I deserve good people in my life (although my potty mouth gets me in almost as much trouble as my temper). I found out that I am so much stronger and smarter then I ever gave myself credit for.

Thank you to all my friends and family who willingly or unknowingly lent their images, stories, and with a few of them bottoms for me to kick, over the last year. I love you all! Thanks for making the last year interesting!
A BIG Thank You to all of you who stop by to read the random ramblings, vents, and life pep talks I give myself on this blog! You have all been incredible and supportive and I can not thank you enough. Stay tuned because this year I hope to add some awesome features to this blog and make it better. (As soon as I learn how to do all the fancy stuff.) I can't wait for 2013 to really get rolling and I expect it to be the best year EVER!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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