I can't remember if I have done a Thankful Thursday but I wanted to give y'all a few things that may seem crazy that I am thankful for and why.
*I am thankful for my last broken heart. He never meant to break it. He never meant to hurt me but the fact that I was hurt made me so much STRONGER. I know what I need and what I want and while I will always love him, I can let him go live his life without it hurting me and I am having a really good time living mine.
*I am thankful for a night crying in a bar. What was one of the most pathetic nights of my life has turned into something that has given me confidence because of a guy (T) who didn't give up on me when he should have. I don't know what the future holds but I really appreciate the fact that he has made me see myself in a whole new way and a way that makes me feel beautiful.
*Rain: I am having a really hard time being thankful for it but I am trying. It keeps messing up my mountain biking and my baseball. There are more important things than me...I guess.
*Stress: My work is so stressful right now and I am going crazy on a regular basis but I am going home and working out instead of eating my emotions so there is that, right?
*Distance: T and I being in different states right now has made me appreciate the little things this man does to make me smile. Maybe some day soon we will be back in the same state and I can actually get a picture to share my cute new friend. Who knows. (I have pictures just none of us together).
I have been meaning to share my Initials Party for 3 weeks and I keep forgetting so, Of course my party closes tomorrow and I wanted to give all my wonderful blogger friends an shopportunity.
Initials has some cute, cute stuff and they do not charge extra for the monogramming so feel free to go and shop til you drop.
Below is the link to my party and to shop on-line, chose the Shop On Line button at the top and it will give you the option to select the party....chose me! chose me! (I am the only Laura on Stephanie's list!!)
There is a special May option as well. If you purchase something $35 or over you can get the Train Case at a special discounted price. The TRAIN CASE IS ADORABLE! Okay, I may just love the train case a lot!!
My Super Awesome Initials Party!!!!!
Feel free to share this with anyone who may be interested as well. Sorry it took me so long to get it up!
Love y'all
Tomorrow be prepared for my Cara Box reveal.....it is SO AWESOME!
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