Now for those who have no idea what a Leaf Spring is, I still don't but it keeps the boat trailer wheel suspended and therefore, the tires don't smoke. We were rescued first by some of my honey's friends & neighbors and then by a great repairman who still knows customer service and came out to fix it at the end of a long workday for him. He made it out at 10:30pm and the trailer was back on the road about 11:30.
We were really tired by the time we rolled in to the campground about 2am. Tired and both really grumpy! We made it and finally got a little sleep sometime after 3am. The next morning we went fishing and caught a few. Very few but it was fun (bass boats ROCK!) and being a natural redhead I burned despite the fact I had SPF 50 on and reapplied frequently.
Monday was Opening Day and my honey's b-day! We had tickets (and if you follow my blog that isn't news!). We headed to the park about 9am to tailgate with a bunch of friends. It was really good to catch up with them all. Some I haven't seen since Rangers season ended. Travis is the cigar smoking bagpipe blowing doll who invited us to hang. He is amazing on those pipes, y'all!
Since it was Stinkey's birthday (ladies if you have a man, know a man, ever met a man, I am sure you know why I call him that!) Ranger's Captain came over and wished him a Happy B-day! As you can see Captain was super excited. I mean it's Opening DAY!
Anyway, that is a view from my season ticket seats this year. Hello! I am pinching myself these seats are SO awesome!
So the Rangers had a few new tasty treats on the menu and being half Hungarian myself, I could not pass up the Hungarian maple glazed bacon on a stick. OMG!! OMG!!! So GOOD!!!!Thankfully, Stinkey helped me eat it and we even let our neighbors in the seats next to us try. This was huge BTW because in the course of our getting to know each other this nice man with a bit of a East Coast accent dropped the bomb on me that he is a YANKEE fan from New York originally! I told him the honest truth, the only nice Yankee fans I have ever met are the ones actually from New York. The Texas Yankee fans are rude, annoying and just miserable people to be around and I avoid the Ballpark during Yankee games because of them. I also told him that sadly for his original team, my experience is always very pleasant when the Red Sox are in town. He laughed.
Anyway, we had an amazing time!
We got to hang out with some of his friends Friday and Sunday and some of mine Monday.
There was some bad and a lot of good that happened this weekend. So much awesome that I can't even express to you how blessed I feel. Opening Day is magic!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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