Last weekend I decided, between counter top refinishing drying time, that I wanted to hit up a flea market and see if I could find some treasures to refinish and make my house even more homey, on a budget, of course!. (Kitchen remodel on a budget Part 2) Everything I do is on a budget because I don't have endless funds and because I find putting the work into things in my home much more rewarding than, say going out and purchasing a several thousand dollar piece of furniture. (No, honey, not the sofa. I love the sofa!)
My friend (and maid of honor at my wedding: Wedding Recap Blog ) Trish, myself and some of Trish's friends had taken a chalk paint class last Tuesday night. It was the first Girls Night Out I had managed since getting married and we had a great time!

I refinished this shutter and blinged it out and fell in more love with antiquing "junk" to make something special. Don't you love it!
So I was happy to find a flea market 3 miles from my house along with a nearby Goodwill and I managed to collect the above treasures for an amazing price. I love this dry sink and the fact I got it for $25! I picked it up from the flea market and the mirror came from the Goodwill. I knew going in what I wanted with these pieces. I wanted to continue my kitchen color scheme in the living room which is basically an extended part of my kitchen.
So I used the same technique that I used on the kitchen cabinets (Kitchen Remodel Part 1)except that I let some of the original stain show though as well and wow I love the transformation.
So what do you think? I am falling in love with the idea of redoing more furniture in my house (I already have plans for my kitchen table and my coffee table in my family room) and while I wait to pull up my carpet & refinish my hardwood floors (which may be a couple of years off, sadly as I hate this, okay all, carpet) I am embracing decorating my 45 year old farm house in a style that suites it's character.
So tell me, if you could redo your own furniture, what piece would you start with and what style are you; Contemporary, Traditional, Early American, Country, Ultra Modern, or maybe you love the Harvest Gold of the 1970's? Okay, nobody loves the harvest gold of the 1970's.
Honestly, I don't think I have a "style." I appreciate all kinds of art for what they are, and I include handmade, repurposed, rebuilt, and reused furniture in that category --art. I think it's awesome that you like doing that, too. Have you see. The show Flea Market Flip? I've seen it on a couple different channels, but I'm sure you could find it if you search. It's really cool.
And, no, nobody likes Harvest Gold. Lol
Is that the one where they have the contest to see who re-purposes junk at a flea market best and wins a prize? I have seen that one.
My latest thing is, we have some crate pallets at work that I am going to take home and make something out for the patio or something. I think my husband is just rolling his eyes at this one! lol
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