Sorry this is a little late today, sometimes Life happens. Better late then never, right? Anyway, same as always, it's Wednesday so it is time to share what I am loving and what I have been pinning.
What I'm loving:
-having water in outer house. I can't express how awesome it is to have water coming in full force. We actually have great water pressure, amazing really. I feel so blessed.
-that I was able to spend last night with my friends Trish, Jan, Debbie & some of Trish's friends & have a girls night in crafting. It was perfect. We try to get together once a month and just laugh and spend some qt. This is the second time this week I have gotten a little time with friend, Saturday I got to shop with my friends Shanna & Robin and I love my girl time!
-garage sales: okay truth time: Nothing beats when I was a kid and my grandmother use to drive around all day on friday and saturday and scoure every garage sale for 50 miles looking for the prize. The woman was amazing. She could tell within 300 yards if a sale was worth it. Even after her stroke she would pull up and shake her head and tell my uncle "Yes" or "No" If it was a yes she would point to what she wanted and we would get out and buy the goods. She walked with a walker and she couldn't talk so she wasn't going out in public like that but she would dictate the purchase from the car. :)
Fast forward to now: I am addicted to window shopping Facebook garage sales and so far the only place I have purchased anything from is my friend Sharon's site because I have known her for years & I trust her but I am branching out & since I plan on starting my own business soon...I know I keep saying this here, but it takes time to finish stuff and I have some projects started sitting in the garage.
What is Pinteresting?
Lot's of stuff on refinishing floors, because if I am going to do this I am going to do it right. Thanks for all the encouraging words yesterday by the way. I am going to get to responding to those comments as soon as I finish this blog, I promise!

This table is kind of funky and cool. Not in my house but I love it!

I love this, I have no room for it but I love it. Maybe I will do a piece to sell....hmmm. I have to not fall in love with these projects and want to keep them all. I think that is going to be my biggest challenge. I have two sofas and don't need 12 coffee tables.

I really need this for my kitchen organization!

I have said this for years....

I love that you're always working on your home! I hope to someday be like you!!
All you have to be me is buy a really old house and then constantly have to repair it! Easy peasy! HAHA!
I actually love it when it doesn't wear me out! :)
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