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I'm looking for co-hosts for this hop so if you're interested let me know! |
Gosh with a long weekend Wednesday rolled around fast! Time for another WILaHaPW. How's that's for a mess of initials?
Either I was feeling very patriotic or these are my Texas Ranger nails. |
The 2 step gel polish from Sally Hansen. I am super hard on my nails so the fact that I can actually get 4 days out of this before chipping is a win for me.
Having friends over Sunday and cooking. I stress like crazy and I know I did 5 loads of dishes and washed the kitchen floor 3 times, not that you could tell. I scrubbed the carpet spots on hand and knee and again you couldn't tell, but I love having friends over and cooking for them!
Spring harvest |
All of the onions and turnips we have gotten out of our garden!
I love how everything matched. Even my nail polish! Not planned. |
My new iPhone case. My old one was cracking and this one is my wedding bouquet and my engagement ring. <3
What I Pinned:
I am feeling the need to remind myself of God's promise of the rainbow a lot lately. No world wide floods. I know Texas thinks it is the world, but in fact, it is not.
I picked this one because I haven't seen the sun lately either but I know it must still be there. I am struggling a little with everything and this made me say to myself, tap the breaks and let Him handle it.
Okay, so this one is hard. Really hard. I know I have expressed a couple of times my struggles with the fact my husband and I
met too late for us to have kids. I know I have mentioned here and there in random blogs that I have an inner sadness that I carry. I struggle with this, actually. Sunday when my friend brought her 9 month old I was given a chance to see what might have been and that longing, that sadness, that missed opportunity started to eat me up. While I was holding the baby my husband's buddy (jokingly?) asked when Joe and I were going to have a baby. It was so uncomfortable for me. It hurt in a way I can't explain when I had to say the words "We aren't and I would change that if I could but I can't." It effected me the rest of the weekend. It effected me so much. Seeing the kind of dad my husband would have been with a baby. Seeing my step daughter in the brief role of 'big sister'. Hearing her say to me in her 11 year old voice as I played with the baby "You are so good with kids, Laura." The sadness would consume me if I weren't careful. I have to believe God has a reason but I can't see it. I have to believe there is something more, I just don't understand it. You know that saying, the struggle is real? That's how I feel about this. It will go away for a day or a week or a few weeks but something will bring it back and....the struggle is real.
Okay enough of that....
Okay, I have a confession to make, I introduced my almost 12 year old step kid to frapps and she is addicted. She asks for them whenever we are alone in the truck. Well, at $3-$5 a pop that isn't happening so I am looking for options....at home options. YUM. Mother of the year I am not. Maybe that is the reason God decided against me contaminating other kids. :)