
Days are always better when you start out right! My new coffee tumbler brings me happiness by reminding me to "Put the fun between my legs!"

I got some new Tulips thanks to Pro-Flower and a broken vase!
Rock and Worship Roadshow:

Here's a little background on R&W Roadshow from their website:
"The "Rock & Worship Roadshow" embarks on its fifth annual tour this spring with a new group of all-star musicians including MercyMe, Jeremy Camp, Tedashii, Kutless, Family Force 5, Luminate, Adam Cappa, Rhett Walker Band and Tim Timmons. This tour follows the very successful 2012 "Roadshow" which was named one of Pollstar's Top 50 Tours for Mid-
Year 2012."
This is my second year going and my humble opinion is they did even more amazing than last year! This year they were filming for a movie they are making and Dallas is the concert site they are using in the film because Mercy Me and several of the other artists are from DFW. So much fun! I'm gonna be a movie star!!! Send your autograph requests and my people will get with your people and make arrangements!

Before the concert we had dinner at PIRA which is in the AAC. To be fair, they have the most limited menu on earth which included not one single seafood dish and only three vegetarian dishes. Chips and salsa, a Greek Salad (not a big olive fan) and a veggie quesadilla. Since it was the first Friday of Lent there was no chicken or beef option for me. I am not really sure where Latin Fire fits in because this was bar food. Basic Burger and tacos. I ordered the quesadilla and got a soggy mess of beans and wet tortilla for $11.00! I hadn't eaten much since breakfast and I was so hungry I ate it all. I doubt I will ever go back and wouldn't recommend it. To be fair my friends who are not Catholic and were able to get the burger said it was good. Still, overall I would say it's way over-priced and for as slow as the service was and since it was not at all busy, I don't find a lot of excuse for the place. (It is very rare that you will ever hear me be critical of an establishment so you can imagine how bad my food really was.) On the plus side, it was cold outside and the place was pretty warm.

When we made it inside we found we were seated right up front!

Pretty amazing seats thanks to Rachel & her connections!! The only concert I have ever had better seats for was Chris Tomlin when I actually had C.T. within 8 feet of me all night.

Jeremy Camp came out and just electrified the crowed and I may or may not have fallen in instant love with his drummer. So much so that I actually looked him up mid-concert and yes, I admit it, I followed him on Twitter. Yes, I cheated that one time to follow him before I forgot how to spell his name! It's not an easy name!! Anyway, I have removed all Twitter apps from my phone and that's the only way I ever go in so there is no temptation of me "cheating" again. (Unless another hottie falls in my lap!)

Apparently I was accused of "cheating" Lent by some (or one) of my friends (let me guess who!) because my Four Square and Blog update. I turned Four Square off but I am not removing my blog so, sorry Ace but you will have to find another way to try to push my buttons. Nice try! :-P
If I were going to cheat Lent it would be a drink that I cheat over and not Twitter. All my close friends can reach me if they need me or miss me.

Mercy Me:

Ok, I admit I was a little annoyed at DFW native and Ranger fan Bart Millard tweeting about how the Rangers screwed up in not signing his friend Josh Hamilton but all is forgiven now! Wow! I have never been more moved.

Daily Dose of Chance time:
I was texting Chance durning the concert and I said something really mean (I am sorry & you are still my favorite muggle!) which of course means I spent part of yet another concert crying! I swear I am just going to get waterproof mascara for concerts from now on! Rachel thinks I am a lunatic because I end up crying at every concert over some foolishness!! (Since he texted Rachel and told her to hug me and tell me it was ok and he isn't mad...I have to assume he has forgiven my stupidity.)

However, by the time Jeremy Camp and Mercy Me were done I remembered that while I may be a complete idiot sometimes and I may also cry a river of tears over some silly and some not silly boys like every 5 days...God loves the hot, crazy mess that He made and it will all work out exactly as He (and Chance) promised me it will...for the best!

The DART ride home was crowded but it is still my favorite way to get to the AAC. Hello Arlington, are you listening? Hook it up with DART & TRE to get to Rangers Ballpark. I will even let you throw in Jerry World for kicks but remember...The Rangers came first and bring more money your way with 81 home games plus post-season something the Cowboys haven't brought in well, have not brought Arlington!
I spent a quiet day.
Saturday night was snuggle time on the couch (where is Ian when I need him?) and movies!!

Kinda boring but I feel like I run too much and sometimes need calm and quiet!
I was going to go riding but the pain in my side that I fell asleep with Saturday became a pain in my side and back Sunday. So there was that. Boo!
So I watched movies, played on Pinterest....

and played this crazy identity guessing game that I found...on Pinterest called Akinator.

It asks you questions about someone real or fictional.

And in about 20 questions it will guess who you are thinking of. I have to admit...I only fooled it twice. It eventually figured out who I was talking about. It is strange how it does it. I was sure that had it fooled with Jurickson Profar....and did the first time but the second time it got it.
Of course a woman stuck at home alone in pain has three choices: sleep, shop or pray. (Normally I would use this time to drive my Twitter followers nuts but alas, Lent has saved them...and me from apparently a ton of drama! REALLY? At this rate, I am not coming back to Twitter. Just Saying). I did listen to some Christian music and prayed . Caught up some more on Downton Abbey and OMG!!! DOWNTON ABBEY!!!!
I found this awesome site that sells BIKE jewelry and am in love! Feel free to buy me any of this secret admirer and anyone who loves me.

Today I am rocking my concert shirt! Love this song!
Be Happy everyone! Miss you, love you, you crazies!
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