If love is in the air....it must be the It's OK Link up with Neely and Amber
Here's what's OK with me.
-It's ok that I want to forget Valentine's Day. Normally, this day doesn't bother me. Normally,
I don't care. This year is a little different. I don't care but I don't want to think about love either.
-It's ok that I got my ashes yesterday and by the time I got back to the office I tried to hide them...to no avail.
Yes, I make this look good.
-It's ok that I am sharing this pin. I think it's brilliant! I really never thought of this until I read it but that is so very true. You know what all your faults are because you see the naked truth.
-It's ok that I went to bed to avoid the call of Reese's Pieces.
-It's ok that I was going to watch the Stars game last night and fell asleep in the 3rd. My migraine and gym did me in.
-I have two hot dates tonight.
-It's ok that I am going to the gym tonight with Ian. This should be fun. Hopefully he can take my mind off the pain in my legs from running and elliptical this week. My mission is officially underway!
-It's ok that I think this e-card is perfect!
--It's also ok that Damon can steal me...any day!
-It's ok that I sent some of these out to other single friends this morning....right?
-It's ok that I got really happy last night when I realized it was still light out at 6:20!! I am going riding after work as soon as the trails open!
-It's ok that I really don't want to hear other people on the radio gush about their "perfect love". If everyone's love is so perfect why do 52% of marriages end in divorce? I'm just curious.
-It's ok that I have had perfect love too. One is in Arlington and the other is is Flower Mound.
Here I am with both of them!
-It is really ok that friend sent me tulips on my phone this morning because they are my favorite flower. It is good to have awesome friends and he is the absolute best!
-It's okay that Chance gets a kick out of making my blog every day and just asked me to add a Daily Dose of Chance section. He is so funny!
-It's ok that when I started writing this last night I thought Valentines day was going to suck but this morning as I finish, I think it is pretty awesome so far.
-It's also ok that I am not changing it. You should see the evolution!
Hope you all find love today! There are many kinds and I have may just have all of them.
-It's ok that my jaw dropped when these were delivered this morning! I actually thought there was a mistake until I saw my name on the box. I may have cried, just a little. Someone is awesome!!! Love does come in a lot of different packages and he is the best! I love you, my sweet, dear, friend!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Surprise and Shock flowers are the absolute best--especially when they are the perfect kind.
Awww. Love the tulips. You have sweet friends ... because you are one. :)
It is pretty awesome. It was the first time I ever had flowers delivered to my office. :)
Thanks Micah! I am very lucky to have friends near and far that are awesome!!! Even in IOWA!!! LOL
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