I don't normally listen to the radio all day but seriously I have had it with sports talk lately. They are just talking the same old stuff and I can't listen to another round of the same old stuff. This song is one of my absolute favorites. It is country...but man it is amazing beat, awesome, get up and dance and put your hands togther country!
Done by The Band Perry
Normally, I would just post the video but Blogger hates me.
It also says just about everything that ever needs to be said. I love music that has women empowered and there are a lot of those in country music.
Okay, aside from that, I am obsessed with sleep. I can't seem to get enough of it lately. I never sleep well so I think this is just my body's way of saying timeout already.
Since I had the makeover a week ago I have been taking a lot of care in making myself feel pretty on the outside because I realized that like most women, I have spent a lot of time telling myself I wasn't. I love the Lancome makeup I got the other day and I have been giving myself mini-makeovers since. Check out my new look! I actually look pretty. Who knew? This is my latest version of me!

The nice thing about feeling pretty is that it makes a girl want to take better care of herself so after work Saturday, it will be time to get back on the bike and do what makes me feel good about me. The truth is, and this is a hard thing to admit. I have felt so fugly and just blah lately that I have made excuses why I don't ride more than pushed myself to ride. That is about to end. It is time for me to take care of myself physically and emotionally.
Finally, two of my closest friends are starting new jobs soon. I just want to send a Shoutout to Khyrstal and Chance. I am so proud of you both and happy for both of you. You deserve for good things to happen and I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. This year may have started off rough for all of us but it is getting better and the best is coming. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us all!
This weekend I will post a link up with my two sweet new blog friends that I met thanks to the Cara box exchange. I was a little unsure about this but I got super lucky and was matched up with a couple of SUPER girls from opposite ends of the country. I can't wait to introduce you to them! I feel so very lucky to have met both of them!
Happy Weekend!
So happy I was paired with you!! Also, I know what you mean about being blah and making up excuses. I need to stop!
I am so happy to have been paired with you! I love that you are a baseball fan and I LOVE that you are a Dodgers fan!!!! I can't tell you how much reading your blog makes me want to be a Warrior Queen too!!
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