Time to link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!
*I am loving baseball! I have missed my Rangers so hard and being back home is just perfect!
*I love the Texas Rangers play the last 3 series. This team is different this year but gosh they are fun!
*I love all the new-old friends I have met over the last week! Some of these super Tweeps I have been following for years and it is really nice to be able to say "Hi!" and get hugs and..pictures so without further ado here are some super awesome people I got to meet this week:
Willie! Yay! I think we have followed each other for 2 years so it was super awesome to meet!
Sandy (and honestly I may mean Sandi or possibly Sandie? I forgot to ask her how she spells it!). She and I have the same issue with laundry...we forget to fold it!
Phil! Ok honestly I met him thanks to Rachel and we started following each other this weekend and he is super nice and fun!
All of Chance's friends! It was super fun getting to put faces to the guys I hear about all the time. I met David last year but this was the first time I met the rest of the guys. They like beer and baseball and they don't mind letting an old lady like me hang!
Travis!! This guy is the best! He gives great hugs and he is sweet, funny and not only does he love the Rangers but he loves his bike and his bagpipes! That's right!! How super fun!! Ok, I also suspect he likes beer...just a guess!!
My "old" friends are awesome too!! Who else would go to all these games with me?? Who else would be seen with my flying hair and current crazy sexy "I smoke 4 packs a day sounding" voice thanks to...baseball!
*I love warm showers, my hair dryer, my curling iron, and electricity! If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook you know why but let's just say...the electric company and I aren't speaking...although I was yelling a lot!
*I love, love, love all my baseball Tweeps (it's a long list!) I have gotten to meet in the last 2 1/2 years. Some of the most amazing, awesome friends have come to me thanks to Rangers baseball and Twitter and some of them I love with all my heart.
*I love the fact that I wake up exhausted with MLB TV playing on my TV because I fell asleep watching the Angels lose. I mean the A's win. Well...baseball.
*Finally, I love all of you who read my blog and especially those of you who make comments. I got some very supportive and sweet messages from ladies who understand yesterday's challenge all too well and I have received a ton of positive comments from people on my Rangers blogs too! Y'all rock!?
Linking up with Michelle for Oh, how Pinteresting to see what I have been pinning! (More baseball?)
*so TRUE!
Love these looks!
I need this to give to the girl who sat next to me at the game last night and started the night by calling the umpires referees. It went down hill from there.
Joe Freaking Nathan! I don't have baseball crushes but Joe Nathan could change that!! Yum & awesome!
This reminded me of some fans of another team. That's all I'm admitting!

I am at the Five Place on Day 9!!!
In no particular order------
-Cooperstown, New York
And Linking up with the Ladies of WildcardWednesday on Bloglovin'
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Yaaaay for baseball! My hubs went to a spring training game last month and got to watch the Rangers play the Cubs.
We are planning a trip to California this summer and we are totally planning it around baseball games, ha ha!
Oh that sounds amazing!! The Cubs are my other team and I am hoping to get to spring training next year! Thanks for the follow! I am following you now and I will stop by and check out all your fun!! Go baseball!! Enjoy Cali!! :)
Our blogs are so similar!!! SO many of the same pictures. :)
Hey hey hey...hey...hey...hey
I love my new Rangers buddies!! Now I have a reason to walkabout fifth inning and say 'Hi!'
Haha! It helps that we are together and we share photos! Lol or is it...that we actually ARE the same person?
Yay! As long as you give out free hugs and high 5's we are good to go!!
Glad I finally met you after all this time. And Monica too. And Rachel is now following me. That was worth my trip to Arlington alone.
Oh yes, meeting me comes with a Rachel bonus!! Haha! We will definitely see you at the Parade!! :-) finally!
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