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The forbidden fruit....apples anyone? |
We started out with a flash forward scene and then it gets
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Carol has nice handwritting |
Next up there was a ton going on and it all got a little confusing. Daryl is angry....again. When is he not angry? So being the genius that he is, he takes off alone to go after Dwight and the Saviors. Glenn, Rosita, and Michonne, who is now done sharing the forbidden fruit with Rick, take off after him. Of course, I am talking about the apple they shared in bed. An aside here, I have never eaten an apple with my husband. If I did, I would probably cute it in two and not pass it back and forth with him.
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Glenn should have stayed in the shower with Maggie |
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Going out on your own is not smart! |
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He Morgan, you remember that protein bar? |
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Wait until he finds out Carol is missing too |
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Let's have a party in the woods and invite the saviors. |
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Glenn, please find a dumpster quick! |
So if you are keeping score at home, We have Carol running around alone. Rick running around alone after throwing his girl under the bus. Morgan running around alone, and Daryl and Rosita splitting up form Michonne and Glen.
Rick makes it back to Alexandria to warn them that the Saviors may be on the way and they need to prepare. At this point I think there are like 5 people left to guard Alexandria, including one eyed Carl and can't walk Judith, because everyone else is running around the countryside like lunatics.
Yet again, people stop to talk, in the woods, totally oblivious to their surroundings. Glenn and Michonne can't seem to find a better place to have a heart to heart so they clearly stop in the middle of the woods to
Never fear however because out there somewhere is Daryl and Rosita, not to mention Carol and Morgan.
But wait, there is more. Daryl and Rosita sneak up on the Saviors who have Glenn and Michonne tied up. By sneak, I mean they probably come in like a heard of wild buffalo because from the look on Glenn's face and the rapid shake of his head, you know this is a trap. I know this is a trap. Everyone but Daryl and Rosita know it is a trap.....right up until the moment they get captured and Daryl seems to get shot. Insert my scream here.
Now, seriously people, I screamed and yet my husband managed to sleep straight through. How does he do that? If someone breaks into my house, is he going to sleep through my screaming? These things worry me. If he can sleep through my The Walking Dead screams not to mention the night I woke up with Charlie horse pain and screamed for like
Roll previews:
The previews end with a close up of Lucille. Negan and Lucille will be key to next weeks season finale and to be honest, I am scared to watch. I know Negan is going to beat the life out of someone with Lucille. I have seen rumors ranging from Rick or Daryl to Glenn will die. I know what happens in the comic book and I don't want to see anyone get their head bashed in much less any of these
More thoughts on the show:
It was Easter and there was no Jesus in this episode. Somehow, that just seems wrong.
Glenn really needs to be in time out. He left his pregnant wife to go chase after Daryl, who was determined to get himself killed tracking Dwight plus Glen has almost died so many times this season, I can't even count that high. There are no dumpsters to hide under in the woods.
Does anyone else get the distinct feeling that that jail cell that Morgan built will eventually play a big role in this show? I mean, they have brought that thing up in nearly every episode for the last half of the season.
Morgan and Carol out there wandering around half cocked not to mention, apparently injured, leave me feeling very uneasy. I am not ready to lose Morgan and Carol is obviously having a nervous breakdown.
I love Morgan but I can't help thinking his "All life is precious" theme is just a little out of place given the apocalyptic times they live in. I am not saying random killing is right for the people left, I am just saying if the other people left are trying to actually kill you, putting them all in one small holding cell to rehabilitate may not be the direction to go. Especially when they want to bash your head in.
I want to hate the Saviors but I can't help but think back to the episode 2 weeks ago where we see that in reality, they are not that different from Rick and the Scooby gang. They are just trying to survive in this crazy world where there are no rules except 'look out for number one'. With that in mind, I know already that Negan and Rick are not that much alike. Rick doesn't kill for the sake of a lesson or to send a message and he certainly doesn't carry a barbed wire covered pistol. Does anyone else ask themselves how Negan manages to not hit himself in the leg repeatedly with Lucille? I mean, maybe I am just too clumsy but a barbed wire covered anything is not going to work for me. I even run over the stuff with a riding lawn mower and let me tell you, that is a real B to get untangled. I think the Saviors are what our band of brothers and sisters would be if they were just a little more crazy. Their brand of punishment, losing a finger for stealing, certainly sends a message.
I start my A-Z challenge on Friday but I will figure out how to get a season wrap up blog in next week after I have a moment to mourn the imminent deaths. Also, I plan on continuing this series with Fear the Walking Dead and possibly The Game of Thrones. Keep in mind that I also scream a lot during the Game of Thrones and if Jon Snow isn't alive and well by 15 minutes into the season opener, I might be in cardiac arrest.