I am not going to go month by month in this wrap up because...well, I broke 3 phones last year and in the process lost a lot.
So what you get instead is my favorite photos and favorite people from 2012!

We rang in the new year at a Stars game.

And got to see this! That was awesome!

Monica, Rachel, Lyn and Julie at the Stars game.

February was spent recovering from surgery at my Mom's house. Here is Ries telling me how glad she is I am home form the hospital.

We took a ballpark tour in March.

Monica and I hung out with Kari and some of his friends.

The Dallas Stars are very nice guys. On a related note, come on NHL let's play already.
Now we come to BASEBALL season. To be honest, there are a ton of photos and I only know when some of them were taken.
This is Opening Day!

This was the first time Chance and I met in person. He is one of my favorite people in the world. Even when he is a pain in the bottom.

Opening Night 2012!
We met before the game on Opening Night at Chuy's in Arlington then went to hang out on the parking lot at the ballpark.

It was so amazing to meet Micah at Chuy's and hang with her all day!

Brannon ran into us and invited us to join him at the LSB tailgate.

His friends are a little crazy but we had fun.

Brannon spent a lot of his time with his head on ladies shoulders that day...hmmm.

I got to meet the great Chuck Morgan at the LSB tailgate.

We met up with Jerry at a game! He is my Dallas Stars buddy! Here he is with me and my mom.

My nieces and nephew made first communion in April.

This is Chance, me and Rachel at a game.

The girls!

We had a group get together. Somewhere in here are Brannon, me, Julie, Brandon, Rachel & Ashley. Not picture are Tonya, Lyn, Donny, and Katie.

This is Rachel, Ashley and Tonya.

This was my favorite day at the Ballpark. It was hot. There was a pre-game concert and a long extra inning affair which ended on Josh Hamilton walk off.

This was a rainy game in the Cuervo Club. This is me with Lyn.

Here we all are, Monica, me, Julie,& Lyn

Felicia met up with me after the game.

Dirk playing baseball at the legends game.

Painting with a twist with Trish and her posse!

Trish and I at the ballpark.

Here we met up with Jenna and Michael after a Rangers game.

This was a windy photo. Donny, me, Julie, Felicia, Monica, Rachel and Lyn.

This one I know. August 25:
This was my first and maybe last attempt at having a tailgate. Monica, Khrystal & Julie.

This is me, Chance and Rachel at the tailgate.

Here I am with Chance and Brandon at the game that day.

Here we are at dinner for Donny and Katie.

This is Rachel and me at Rascal Flatts.

Whitney, me and Rachel at the Ballpark.
Let me just say now...I could do an entire blog with just Rachel and me at the ballpark. That's how many photos I have...because we were at a lot of games together!

Rachel, me and Khrystal at the game!

This is me with a friends baby. Kyra and I share a birthday.
And now for the love of my life:

I have to thank my friends who play with me on my bike!
Me, Khrystal and Julie.

We haven't been able to ride lately due to weather issues but I am just waiting for the sun to come back!
Here are the DORBA Wheel Women! Well, some of us.

God, I love Northshore!

This is Rachel, me, and Khrystal before a rained out Brad Paisley.

My nephew! He's so cute!

Me in the dunking booth.

This is my brother's birthday in November.



The triplets birthday party.

Happy Hour with Trish at Chuy's in December.


With snow!!!

Christmas 2012

Lunch with Erick.

And trying on my NYE outfit!!!
Well, that's it. 2012 had some good memories and some painful ones but it is the people in your life that make it special and as you can see...I am blessed with some truly amazing friends!
Happy New Year! I have a feeling 2013 is going to be amazing. With these friends of mine, how could it not?
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