Last week I found out for a number if reasons they were taking my cubicle at work away and giving me an office. It is kind of strange because it is quiet. Me being completely female about certainly things, I wanted my office cute. So I decided to personalize my space.

First I had to get rid of the Old Man and the Sea photo on the back wall. Luckily my co-worker had an empty spot in his walls.
Next I went shopping. It was tough but you sometimes have to sacrifice. I didn't want to spend a ton so I hit up some places I thought I could find me-on-the-cheap.

Added some stuff I already had.

Honestly I didn't even know I owned that Cowboys mug!

This is the after. A little bit girl with a little bit sports nut.

It isn't done but it's good enough.

I cheered all week as Manti Te'o won 7 of the 8 awards he was nominated for and Brian Kelly brought home coach of the year. So proud of my Irish!

The Rangers said goodbye to Face this weekend. It was tough even for me and I am not a big fan of Michael Young but I learned with Pudge that this is a business and you have to make the hard choices. I will miss what Young brings to the clubhouse but it was time for him and the Rangers to move on. He will retire and the Rangers will honor him and it will all be fine.

This makes me laugh so I had to include it. I know these people!

Monday I had lunch with my bosses and the HR manager and they told me they were very happy with everything I am doing and some things I had accomplished over the last year. They also awarded me with a surprise "Thank You!" Pretty excited about this and now trying to decide on a "date". Parking and maybe some extras too!
I worked on Saturday and was sick this weekend so I don't have any awesome stories to share.
Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for Christmas!
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Yay! I'm glad you got some Mavs tickets! You'll have fun with whoever you take!! :)
I love the decorations in your office, you have to let me know where you got them at!!
Can't wait to see you this weekend!
The 1921 World Series Ticket came from The Christmas Tree Store. The rest of the stuff came from Hobby Lobby and everything was at 50% off last week. Wait until Sunday when they change the sale again because right now they have candles on half off but they rotate that stuff weekly. I got my nephew the baseball sign for Christmas too.
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