It's ok that I miss this place:

I was looking through some of my baseball photos from last season this week and I miss getting to see my friends on a regular basis:

I'm lucky to see Rachel and Khrystal all the time.
I talk to the rest of these jokers all the time!

I don't know where Rachel was...she missed this photo!

(Not sure who the guy in the funny pants is. A friend of Brannon's I think. I just like the drunk photo-hehe)

This was still my favorite day at the Ballpark. It was a hot day-game in June and a stomach flu suffering Josh Hamilton hit a walk off in the 87th inning. Well, it felt that way. I think it was the 13th.
It's ok that I am super ready to be done with 2012. I will miss the Mayans though!

It's ok that after watching The Voice because of Blake Shelton I have become a huge fan of Adam Levine. I knew who Maroon 5 was before, you would have to live under a rock not to and "Moves Like Jagger" is one of my favorite workout tunes. I just didn't realize how adorable he was before. Skinny guys aren't my thing. I like a little more...muscle. That isn't Adam but he is funny and funny trumps everything!
Plus, he is just hot, sexy, eye candy!

It's ok that I love my new riding boots. I have no idea what I am riding in them...just the car but they are amazing.

It's ok that I have decorated my office for Christmas with stuff my mom sewed 35 years ago.

Everyone who comes in sees them and smiles and that makes me happy. I love my mom! She is amazing.
That's what's ok with me. What's ok with you?
- using BlogPress from my iPhone
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