Here are some things I think are pretty groovy:

*My new bike shoes. Ries liked them too. Glow-eyes and all.

*My booties I am wearing today. First time I have worn heels in a month so I am a happy girlie-girl today.

*I found Pfeffernusse at Trader Joe's so I don't have to bake them! Don't tell my mom these are my favorite Holiday Cookie even more so than my Grandmother's Hungarian Kieflies.

This birdhouse I ordered from a friends child's fundraiser. I love this! Cardinals make me think of home. (That is Indiana not Texas).

*That Texas Ranger fans are helping to raise money for Emilie Parker's family. Her father gave an amazing speech Saturday night after the shooting and the expression of love he represented and forgiveness was amazing. I tweeted that night how awesome it was that he included the shooters family in his prayers, already. I am sure there are 25 other just as amazing families out there. This picture of Emilie and her dad at Rangers Ballpark has touched so many.

*The weather in DFW! There will be biking!!!
*Finally, that I made it through yesterday without hearing any bad news!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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