Oh my gosh, I love that it is HUMP day. I love this day!!! I really do. My week is over half over now! Yay. No baseball tonight means I can go run and ride if I want which brings me to what I am loving today.

Biking. I think I have said before I want to do a century race someday. That is still my goal. I am a long way from there and I am going to have to get maybe 30 pounds off before I start. I also need to get a new bike. I need to get two but racing bikes are so expensive and I just can't justify it now. So I have been toying with a new mountain bike. I am taking recommendations from friends and have almost narrowed it down. There are 3 brands I am thinking of, Trek, Mongoose, and Raliegh. My favorite bike when I was a kid was a Raleigh and it was expensive. It was a $200 bike in 1982. It was stolen. It was beautiful. I don't know enough about this yet but I am researching. I know I could easily spend over $1000. That isn't where I am. I want quality, function, and portability. I want about $500. I'm not racing the Tour de Texas. Just want to go out to some trails and get lost.

What else am I loving?

My grilled shrimp salad from Fuzzy's Taco Shop. Oh, how I missed it.

When I started training for the half marathon I ran in Nov. 2010 (I ran that sucker weighing more than I do today by at least 15 pounds. I consider this a victory). They were always giving us peanut butter and bananas after our 5-12 mile saturdays. This started my love affair. I eat peanut butter on toast every morning.
Finally, this dresser.

I stole this photo from my friend Micah's blog today. It had some great ideas on re-doing dressers including this baby. I have a spare room and nothing planned this weekend so I am finally going to get started on it. Pray for me.
Make sure to check out the other amazing stuff Micah found here:
Okay, that's what I am loving. What are you loving?
posted from Bloggeroid
I'm a Jif peanut butter fan myself, but I'm just a PB snob!! :)
I don't have anywhere to keep a bike or I would be tempted to get one. Although not sure how much riding around I would do in my neighborhood. ;)
I'm actually a Peter Pan girl. My grandmother's fault. I just pulled the first picture that came up. Lol.
If you cleaned out your storage shed....lol
Sorry that the link to Micah's blog doesn't work. I am not computer literate. Have I mentioned that before?
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