Friday I was one of several members of management at my company to volunteer time in a dunking booth to raise money for the Red Cross.

This is me in the booth. Try not to let the glare of my super bright legs scare you. I was dunked a total of 4 times. It was about 100 degrees so I was happy to be dunked often. It was a total blast!!!

I also got to see The Dark Knight Rises this weekend. While my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims in Colorado it is incredibly important to me when things like this happen that fear not change my life or the crazy people win. I purposely forced myself to go to the movies Friday. It was a little odd seeing so many police at the theater in the mall but it was also comforting. Aside from the fact I still had dunking booth hair and no makeup the movie was awesome. I will be seeing it again.

I spent my weekend with this guy. Lots of Batman and a little Terminator and total eye candy. What? You think I am going to see Total Recall for the 3 breasted hooker? Colin Farrell. Don't judge me for liking a few hours of pretty men. Men, not boys by the way. This is the reason I have not seen nor do I plan to see Magic Mike.
Sunday I was back on my plan which I have decided to call Improve the Package. This is an expanded version of my prior plan of Bringing Sexy Back. This new plan includes not only diet and working out but also some things that incorporate improving and pampering my body. I have started with facials and massage because let's face it, I am not 20 anymore and my skin needs some special care. Later on I will be moving to the more drastic stuff. I may share that later. The answer to the question is yes, I am vain.

So....my birthday is approaching way too fast. Have I mentioned that the idea of reminding myself that I am yet another year older is not my favorite custom? Probably not because I think I am alone in this. Maybe someday I will like it again. I plan on making a birthday blog committment to myself this year. I think it will start with have fun and stop putting so much pressure on yourself. We will see. Why did I bring this up? Because I was searching for something fun to do on my birthday this weekend and it is narrowed down to Motley Crew/Kiss or monster trucks. I may or may not be open to suggestions. :-/
Happy Monday! Rangers are back home so you know what that means? I will see you at the Ballpark! Until then I may be occupied with QT with Christian, sit-ups, push-ups and serious weights. (One of these is not like the others.) Time to get super serious. I have a goal to reach before October.

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