I have a terrible sweet tooth. I love sugar and my biggest weakness is ice cream. Growing up, my grandfather always had ice cream. By the time I was about 4 and my brother was 2 we had figured out that whenever my grandfather started spelling there was ice cream on the line. We would turn happily to our mother and say, 'Yes, please mommy!' Even though neither of us could spell. I C E C R E A M was heaven.

My dad taught me how to make my ice cream soft and smooth. It is one of my favorite and few memories of him. We used chocolate ice cream, of course! "Let it get a little soft, Laura and then take your spoon and mash is a little and turn the spoon in the bowl until it becomes like soft serve." Well, okay I don't recall exactly what he said but that is the gist of it.

I still remember my first taste of Blue Bell. We had just moved to Texas in July of 1981 and that fall we went to the State Fair. Blue Bell had a place where they gave out samples. I don't know of they still do that. I haven't been to the Texas State Fair in several years. The line was long but we persisted and the payoff was simply the best vanilla ice cream ever. This coming from a die hard chocolate fan!!!

My tastes have changed, developed, grown up over the years. I love designer flavored ice cream. Salted Caramel, Creme Brulee, maple caramel. All are amazing. I don't buy it often prefering to keep low carb alternatives on hand but when I saw Blue Bell had my favorite flavor, a line flavor they don't always produce, Tin Roof Sunday, in stores it was almost enough to make me cave.
I love I C E C R E A M!!!
posted from Bloggeroid
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Please forgive my typos. Eventually I will quit trying to do this from my phone.
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