Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014: Welcome to the Good Life!

Never have I entered in to a New Year happier. Never have I been stronger or more satisfied with myself. With that in mind I decided to make a list of the things I will do in 2014!

In 2014 I will:

-trust God first.

-let go of all the bad feelings I have left over from 2013.

-focus on the people in my life who love me and are there for me, from my family, and friends to my sweet boyfriend.

-take better care of my things.

-clean my closets...no J this does not mean I am getting rid of shoes and handbags!

-put my house on the market and find a new house for all of us. Our house.

-not let the little things bother me and yes, they are all little things.

-trust my heart.

-get my dogs to the vet and get their teeth cleaned!!

-plant a garden where I can grow tomatoes and corn and onions with J!

-get back to enjoying baseball without Twitter.

-learn to enjoy the crazy in life more and not make plans.

-go on a family vacation. A real one.

-get all my photos off my iPhone and store what I want and delete the rest!

-get back to my hobbies. Find at least one project a month and reclaim/reuse something in a new way to salvage "lost" items.

-trust love!

-be a better Blogger! To this end I am going to sign up with a mentoring program and hopefully re-design the blog as well. I am also going to try and do at least 4 social-blog events this year. Wish me luck!

That's a good start to 2014, I think. I wish all of you a safe and Happy New Year!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Micah said...

I'll be sad if you aren't on Twitter for baseball games. :(

Have a great 2014.

Laura @Simply Me, The way I see it said...

It is time for me to start focusing on the people in the room & the experience instead of my telephone. I will be around just not live tweeting my random thoughts.

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