Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love is...

Love comes in many forms and most of them require work.

I'm not sure what I thought love was in the past but I know I was wrong.

I had some childish concept that love would fix me. It didn't. I thought love would make me happy but that is too much responsibility for another person.

I somehow believed in happily ever after but Cinderella didn't have to worry about bills, credit scores, kids, friends approval, the Prince's or her own ex's and nobody ever got sick or hurt in fairy tales and everyone always had a good day!

Love isn't the biggest diamond or the most expensive gift and it can't be bought.

But love is wonderful! It is knowing someone is always there to say "it's going to be ok because we will get through this". Love is filing up an empty gas tank or warming up the car on a cold day. Love is having grilled cheese for dinner and that being awesome because he is having grilled cheese too!

Love is working together to make each other better and putting someone else's needs first sometimes. Love is arguing and making up. Love is knowing you are better with him than without.

Love is knowing what you have and appreciating it.

Love is being grateful for what you have and working toward a common goal.

Love is being happy just holding hands and love is leaving the other person the last cup of coffee every morning because you love them back.

Love takes time and grows and love will get you through the bad days with a smile on your face, just because!

Also, love is baseball t-shirts!

Okay maybe not but it was with a shot!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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