Thursday, October 4, 2012

Blog Update: It's Ok Thursday

My life is a collection of change right now. Lots going on at work. My sports love failing miserably to end the regular season. My new love taking priority in my life and the obsession I have for mountain biking.

So it's ok that yesterday my worlds collided and baseball took a back seat to mountain biking. It had to be this way. The Rangers haven't been playing well for a couple weeks and after last season I couldn't watch the end of the collapse so I rode Horseshoe Trail.

It's ok that my favorite part of the day was going chest first over my handlebars coming down a hill and landing smack across my breast. It is actually funny. I was pretty happy for once I am not too big and I don't have implants in that area!

It's ok that putting myself first is my priority. I am discovering my self-love and strength. I am realizing that I am pretty strong and pretty amazing and I actually deserve people in my life who are the same. I deserve so much more than I have been willing to accept. It's ok that it has taken me most of my life to figure this out.

It's really ok that a few days ago some fabulous ladies I met thought I was actually in my 20's and not 42. I suddenly realized I have people tell me all the time they think I am 8-10 years younger. I'm good with looking younger even if I'm not.

It is ok that a co-worker said to me 'when you get into something you really go all out.' It is true. I really am a little OCD and when I develop a passion for something I dive in head first and try to soak up the knowledge and skill.

It is ok that as I sit here writing this I want chocolate chip cookies. Want and need are different. I want them. I don't need them at all.

It's ok that while I watch my DVR of Revolution from Monday all I can think is 'where are Bella and Edward when the electricity goes out?' I mean, her dad is there in Chicago.

It's ok that I watched my DVR, chatted with friends on the phone and text and handled my Ranger anger instead of watching the debate last night. I don't really like either choice and want a third option.

It's ok that I still believe in my Texas Rangers!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad all rights reserved

1 comment:

Micah said...

Yes! Making yourself a priority is the best thing I've done in a long time.

Also, I'm the same as you -- when I get into something, I get way into it. There's no halfway. Probably a redhead trait. :)

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